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 ” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:6-7



Here’s the best picture I got during the meteor shower on October 22nd.  All together we (Josh, Sylvie, Esme and I) saw about 10 meteors, or shooting stars.  And yesterday there was a solar eclipse but I missed it!  Alas.  If you saw any of these events please let me know!

Much love and God bless!




It’s such a pretty day!  A bit overcast, but the temperature is coming back down so again I feel energized and alive!  We’ve had some heavy rain the past couple days so it’s all wet and muddy outside, but the sun is suppose to shine more tomorrow so all is good.

So, like the title of this post I am going to talk about journaling.  Just to let everyone know, YES I know “journaling” isn’t a word, but I use it quite often because I keep a journal (I prefer journal to diary) so journaling is a part of my vocabulary.  Anyway.


I have kept a journal since 2007 when my mother got me my very first journal for my birthday.  I have always loved pens and paper and words and, well, writing so getting a journal for my birthday was so exciting!


This was my first journal.  I loved it so much!  My mom and I went to a store and saw a leather journal that closed like an envelope and had strings to tie it closed and I thought it was the most amazing journal I ever saw, but my mom told me she went back to get it and it wasn’t there so she got this one and oh boy I was excited!  It was leather with yellowed pages and that awesome leaf print on the front; yes I was enthusiastic about it.  I was determined at first as well to be a writer. 🙂


Since my first journal, I kept getting more and more and to this day I have three journals waiting to be filled with thoughts and ideas and whatever is on my mind!  I highly encourage having a place to let your thoughts out whether that’s writing them out or talking to someone or whatever you may do.  It really helps, and for me my journal has been my “best friend” since I was little, especially going through times when I didn’t have a friend to talk to or just wanted to keep things to myself but let them out at the same time.  Above was my second journal.


A lot of these were birthday gifts; everyone caught on to that fact that I would openly except any form of paper or writing material!  I still ask for stationary and envelopes and pens and note books for gifts.  My sister got this for me and it was special because it came with a book mark and the cover was soft.


I love writing letters to people, but sadly most people don’t like corresponding through letters, so writing in a journal has been a way that I have been writing letters to myself, I guess!  Some entries will begin with “Dear Journal” and end with “Sincerely, Jennifer” lol!  And I always put a smile face and a heart somewhere on the paper.  I’ve always done that. 🙂


This journal was a Christmas gift and it came from a gift shop in…well, I don’t remember where, but it’s very unique.  So unique that I actually didn’t finished it.


The cover and back are the cover and back to an old book titled Sophia and then inside there are pages from the book between every few pieces of paper.


It was very neat, but all the paper was different and I just didn’t enjoy writing in this journal as much!  Who knows!  Maybe I was also going through a time of writers block or just uninspired to write about anything.


Mickey Mouse!  This one was cute, but again, I did not finish this one but the reason was it fell apart!  All the pages ripped from the spine and it got very annoying to write in so I didn’t for very long.


My two oldest sisters, Bess and Sarah, both journaled (that’s not a word either!  Gosh!) and I always remember their awesome note books they would use and wished I knew what they were writing about but knew it wasn’t my place to read their thoughts of course, but it always fascinated me. 🙂  Bess always drew pictures in hers and I know that because I watched her draw so many of them!  She recently let me look through some of her old journals and it was so much fun to read and know what she was thinking when she was my age and how similar we are in some areas of our lives.  I just love it, and the journal above was probably my favorite one since my very first one.


Um, this came from a friend of my sisters so I thought to myself “Well, I might as well use it!” so I did, but it wouldn’t have been my choice from the store.  Anyway.  I prefer lined paper and some sort of journal that stays closed like this one; it closes like an envelope.  It’s so much fun, to me, to write things even if it makes no sense when you go back and look at it!  I always would start my journals saying “Ok, in this journal I’m not going to do this but I am going to do that, and I’m not going to write with rainbow pens, only black or only red, and I’m not going to say this word, etc etc etc…” but, guess what?  By entry #4 I’d have broken all of those “rules” that were set.  It just doesn’t matter!  Express your thoughts the way you want!  Somedays might be pink ink while others are purples.


I got this one for my sixteenth birthday. 🙂  That year I did not write hardly at all.  My mind was extremely distracted and I stopped doing a lot of things for some reason, but when I started to journal again after a while I felt so much better!  I don’t know what it is, it just helps me.  I’m a daydreamer so having an outlet for my thoughts helps me stay focused on other things and in some way reassures me that everything is ok.  I know that sounds silly, but it is how I feel about it.


And today I am seven pages away from finishing this lovely journal!  I also started this one pretty slow, but apparently I’ve had a lot to write recently!  I wonder what will be written on the last page of this one…


So if I haven’t made it clear, I thoroughly enjoy writing in my journals, “journaling”, and I hope I always do!  One thing that’s for sure is I journal a lot more then I blog!  A LOT more!  (hopefully that will change)


The skies are getting more and more grey so I don’t know if we’ll get very much sunshine tomorrow after all!  Hopefully we do.  Fall is my favorite time of the year and I don’t want it to keep raining!  We went square dancing Sunday evening and it was so much fun, but the sky was so cloudy and the ground was all wet!  I ruined the shoes I was wearing, but they were getting old so maybe that was a good thing.

Well now I must put my computer away and finish studying and cleaning!  I have a test tomorrow and it’s about time I get my room cleaned and organized!  Have a wonderful rest of the week and God bless!

Oh, look who fell asleep holding a cookie?


Much love,


Good Morning, Again!


“Trust Me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them.  Relax, and refresh yourself in the Light of My everlasting Love.  My Love-Light never dims, yet you are often unaware of My radiant Presence.  When you project yourself into the future, rehearsing what you will do or say, you are seeking to be self-sufficient: to be adequate without My help.  This is a subtle sin–so common that it usually slips by unnoticed.

The alternative is to live fully in the present, depending on Me each moment.  Rather than fearing your inadequacy, rejoice in My abundant supply.  Train your mind to seek My help continually, even when you feel competent to handle something yourself.  Don’t divide your life into things you can do by yourself and things that require My help.  Instead, learn to rely on Me in every situation.  This discipline will enable you to enjoy life more and to face each day confidently.”

Psalm 37:3-6; Philippians 4:19


Good morning!  This is Jesus Calling from YESTERDAY, October 10th.  I really liked it and wanted to share it.  I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day.  Don’t be afraid to call out to our Lord and Savior in every situation.  Much love,
