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We are home…..


A week and three days passes by pretty quickly.  It is weird to be home because, honestly, it doesn’t really feel like we went anywhere!  Not saying that we didn’t have a good time, that the beach wasn’t beautiful, and that we didn’t do anything exciting, but time just slipped by so fast, especially the last few days and it feels like a dream.

Well I am happy to be home!  Although the ocean was amazing and the town was cute and we had a very good time, I am pleased to be surrounded by the comforts of home once again.  We all got sick on the last day before we left, so it’s nice to be in our own house when we’re not feeling well (but at least it was the last day when we got sick).

The weather was so nice and really the whole trip was great, but I will post more about it later because right now I am tired and it’s so lovely outside; I’d rather be out there!  (It was so nice coming home to the cool fall weather!)

Until later…



Hello!  As the title of this post says, I have many things to say “Yippee” about right now.  One is that I got my computer to work again (kind of)!  Yippee!!! 🙂  So I’ll be able to post some pictures like these ones…


Eli and Cael




John, Cael, and Esme

Those are just a few pictures that I have to share today.

Another thing to say yippee (or shout it) about is we are leaving for the beach tomorrow morning!  YIPPEE!!!!!!  We haven’t been on a family vacation to the beach since I was a two-year-old, so all the little kids have never been to the beach!  We are SO excited and I can hardly believe that we are actually going!


Cael getting ready to go!

Alright, I have a few “random” things to share.  Let’s start with Ashley, our little turtle.

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All I want to say about her is that she has upgraded to a very fancy new habitat!  She likes it so far!

Next I shall share with you my little friend who FINALLY moved away from living on my bedroom window…

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I settled on calling him Lucifer…ha ha!  He was an evil spider.  You could tell he (or she) wanted to bite you (I’m glad it moved away)!

Sylvie (who’s birthday is today) and I went outside in the chicken coop yesterday to gather the eggs and I got this, I thought, pretty picture of the chickens.


And some of their lovely eggs!


It has been awesome having our chickens who lay so many eggs.

Fall is on it’s way, and can I hear a BIG Yippee?!  YIPPEE KI YAY!!!  That is definitely something to be excited about.  I love the fall so much.  It makes me happy.  With that said, our garden has died, but morning glories and marigolds have taken it over so it’s quite a sight!


They are gorgeous!


That’s what the whole garden looks like!  Blue and purple morning glories covering everything.



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Here are some of the marigolds.



I’ve never really liked marigolds, but all of the bright red and yellow flowers popping up are very pretty!

By the greenhouse there are some more morning glories growing on the fence but they are pink and SO pretty!  (I took some pictures of them on Saturday morning; the weather was so amazing on Saturday!)




(I like this picture)

And here are some zinnias just because!


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(I don’t know what this is but it’s pretty!)

Last week I went to Bess’s house and spent some time with her and Evelyn.  Evvie is such a cutie pie!  She’s getting so big!


We had too much fun together, Evvie and I!   She was laughing so hard!  It makes you think…what are they really laughing at?  Some contorted facial expression?  A “big person” crawling around the floor like a baby?! 😉



Look at that!  There’s a turban on her head and she kept it on!  Ha ha!

We also went to visit Titus and Sarah on the way home from Bess’s house.  Titus is one years old now and such a little man!


Sucking on his shoes!


Skylar, along with the little boys and her creativity, made a four seasons display out of cardboard and paint, etc.  It turned out really awesome!

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Spring                                            Summer

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Fall                                             Winter

I like the fall display the best. 😉

It feels like I sit here for at least two hours putting a post together, gathering pictures, typing stuff, and so on, but then it takes about five or less minutes to read the finished post!  Aggravating…oh well!  Hopefully it’s enjoyable.  I must get back to packing though because I need to get to bed pretty early!

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All my clothes packed up

Oh, one more thing…..

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I did it!  I got a pixie haircut!!!  It is quite short and very different, but I’m glad I have tried it and now know what it feels like!  (I’m looking forward to it being a LITTLE bit longer!)

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It almost feels like I’ve always had my hair this short!  I probably would not keep my hair like this forever, but it’s a style that I’ve always wanted to try and it is very relieving that I just did it and now I don’t have any need to be so obsessed with looking up pictures of pixies and deciding whether or not to try it!  Now I have it and that’s that!


Alright!  Time to take a shower, finish packing, and then eat some cake and ice cream for Sylvie’s b-day (which I will probably regret later).  I hope the coming week is wonderful for everyone especially with the leaves falling and temperature changing for a new season!  I will post once again when we’re back from the beach!  Yippee!



I write today to express how lovely and beautiful it is outside!  Not just today is it pretty outside, but there are many days that have passed that have been very nice weather and glorious sunsets, and even just pleasant days in general.

Guess what I have noticed…I complain a lot!  I complain about my life and how I’m not doing anything and it’s never exciting and I’ll probably never do anything, et cetera!  But guess what?  I can sit and complain about not doing anything, not reading or finishing a book, not exercising, but all I have to do is DO IT!  I have to change my habit pattern; my thought pattern and belief system.  If I want toned arms I need to pick up a weight and tone my arms!  If I want to eat better I need to eat better!  If there is something I want to try or do I need to find out how to do it and go for it!

One of the things that holds me back is fear of man.  Afraid of how other people see me or think about me.  Nervous that I will make a bad impression.  Anxious that I might say the wrong word in a sentence.  The second thing that keeps me from expressing myself and doing the things I love or want to try is myself.  Doubting myself, not having faith in myself, afraid of my own abilities to do stuff, scared that I won’t remember what I’m learning or won’t know what it means; not being able to understand!  That is something I truly struggle with: wanting to understand everything before I even learn it and being afraid of not understanding!

Today I learned about not being afraid to live your dreams and follow your heart (which is why I share this with you today).  Not being afraid of seeming selfish to want certain things or have certain desires to do things and just to do it!  You never know until you try and I definitely do not want to be looking back on my life thinking “What if I tried that?”…”Why didn’t I go there?”…”I should have listened to that…” and so on.  The past few weeks and months I have felt this belief to be ringing true in my life more and more because I have been afraid and I have been completely anxious and not having faith in myself or in God!!!  Wow!

God is so good and He wants to give you the desires of your heart and bless you in this life.  So, of course, He will help you to achieve your goals and your hearts desires unless they are just absolutely selfish or self-centered.  Or He will even change your dreams a little to better benefit you and His Kingdom!  You have to believe that He is good and believe that he loves you unconditionally!  You’ve got to trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).  And you also have to believe in yourself because you (with the “help” of the evil one) are your worst critic and, truly, your worst enemy!


Well, I just had that upon my heart and I feel like I could say a lot more!  Just remember that the Lord wants to bless you and wants you to be happy in this life.  I am learning slowly but surely that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13), and that I just need to be myself and be happy and to pursue the things that I love and enjoy doing and to just rejoice in the Lord and never forget  that He is always there.  During those times when we feel miles away from God, when we haven’t prayed in a while or read the bible, and we sit and say “He has forgotten me and I am unworthy and foolish etc, etc, etc!”, He is really right beside us looking at us and saying “My child; My kid.  You are so beautiful, you are so worthy, and I, the Almighty God, love you so much and want nothing more but for you to come to Me and find peace and love and joy in Me.”.  At least that’s what I’ve realized He’s been saying to me! 🙂


I am also writing today to report that my computer is dead and will be until my brilliant, wonderful brother can fix it (he’s very busy with school right now) so with that said I will not be able to use, share or post any of the pictures I’ve taken and loaded onto my computer!  So I guess I’ll have to finish reflecting on my summer another time!  I really wanted to share our train ride pictures, but I’ll have to remember to do so once I can use my computer!  (Thank you, mom, for letting me use your computer!)

I hope this day brings a smile to your faces or happiness to your hearts and I hope so deeply that you will be able to follow your dreams and follow your heart to do something that you’ve always wanted!  Sometimes once you give it a try you might find out that your hearts desire isn’t exactly your hearts desire anymore after trying it out and then you’ll find a new dream/desire of the heart!  One thing I’ve always wanted to try is getting a pixie haircut, and my inspiration has been the loving Audrey Hepburn!  That’s a big step to go and cut your hair that short, but I’ve always wanted to try it and I think I will since my hair is shorter now so it won’t be a drastic change going from LONG hair to super short hair! 🙂  And I’ll be taking the risk of finding out that maybe I really don’t like pixies, at least not on me, but I’ll never know until I try.

Okay…I’ve gone on long enough!  God bless you today and I will be posting soon and (hopefully) have access to my pictures so I can post about stuff and share some pics with you!  Much love.


Summers End

It is September!  Time to anticipate the cool fall weather.  My computer has finally decided to cooperate and let me blog and go through my pictures, etc.  I have been having some difficulties with getting it to stay on and it has been shutting off while I’m in the middle of doing something *ugh*…it’s not now so I shall make the best of it!

So, I said I would share some of the things that went on this summer in my life.  Don’t get your hopes up or anything because I have nothing too exciting to share!  My family and I seemed to have had a busy summer, and yet I don’t know what made it busy?!  I guess I will start at the beginning of summer, kind of where I left off with blogging; the fourth of July!


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We had a good fourth.  It was laid back and we made ice cream, had a family cookout and did not do any fireworks!  Because it rained on the fourth we postponed our fireworks a few days.

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When we did do some fireworks they were very pretty!

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I tried to get some pictures and a few turned out.

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I made a few of them black & white which looks cool!

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This is my favorite picture that I got.

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Poor Titus got quite scared after a few loud ones!  He starting breathlessly breathing!

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Well, that’s all I have to share about that!


Let’s see…the weekend after the fourth Bess, Evvie and myself set up a booth at an antique show!  It was not exactly an antique show though…I’m pretty sure Bess’s booth was the only one with vintage/antique merchandise!  We had a good time though.

We went to a wedding in July which was very pleasant and fun.  After that it was my birthday and I was at the pool teaching little kids how to swim and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to me before I left and even got a cookie cake with my name on it!  Yummy!!!


(My birthday cake)

I don’t recall saying anything of this before, but this summer my siblings and I took swimming lessons and Joshua and I were training for junior life guarding and helping with teaching kids how to swim.  We were at the pool for about 4-5 weeks and I will not lie that it was quite an experience half good and half bad (I guess that’s why we were busy)!  I won’t go into it though, but I’ll just say that I aspire to be better at swimming AND to get a tan sometime because it rained almost every day at the pool or it was overcast so I hardly have a difference in my skin color at all (not that it matters)!

Anyway.  I had a good birthday and my sisters, Skylar and Bess, had a birthday party for Sarah and I that was very fun and nice of them!  It was Alice in Wonderland inspired, so a tea party with cakes and cookies and tea, and it was so fun! 🙂  Here are some pictures from it!


Of course some Eat Me cookies!


And some in a glass box!  I was so excited when I saw this!



There were flowers from the garden for all of the guests to take home.


Place holders.  Everyone had a different illustrated picture of Alice in their flowers with their name on the back.  This one was mine.



The little boys were there too!  Cael was very happy to drink his tea. 🙂


And of course, what is a party without baby Evelyn!!


After swimming ended and birthdays passed it got a little slow around the house and I got quite lazy to be honest.  I also went through a bit of a “bloggers block” shall we say and didn’t have any thoughts or inspiration for blogging!  After swim I slept in late, sat around, read, watched movies or videos and didn’t really do much else!  Then we had more puppies (yay).  My mom hires me to photograph the litters we have to put the pups on our website, so I got a little busier when they came.

I will save whatever else I have to say for another time.  I hope everyone had a good summer and I can’t wait for fall to begin!  Oh, I got a haircut this summer!  What do you think?


It was shorter when it was first cut, but I like this length.  I was thinking of going shorter and maybe trying an Audrey Hepburn inspired pixie, but it would be so short and I don’t think I can do it!

 Have a wonderful first week of September!  Don’t you love it when I month starts on Sunday?  I’m looking forward to posting more often again and I hope you, whoever you are, are also looking forward to it!

God bless,
