Long Time Coming (week 2 of 52)



So, this past Monday I began an exciting new journey!!  I am officially *drum roll, please*…a music teacher!!  A very excited one at that!

This has been a LONG time coming; just had to wait for the right time and opportune moment, and it did, indeed, arrive.  It was about 5 years ago that my own music lessons subsided.  I took piano lessons for at least 6 years, guitar lessons for 8 years, and voice lessons for the last 3-5 years (still taking voice!)…I can’t remember!  Either way, music is a very big part of my life and who I am.  In and of itself, music is magic; that is the only appropriate word to associate with the wonders of music!  There is so much to learn and refresh my mind about going into teaching.  I haven’t been in lessons as a student for a while now, so you could say I’m a bit rusty in the theory/terminology department…

In case you haven’t caught on, I am a musician (haha!).  Guitar and piano are my main instruments, as well as my voice, and I play ukulele, and am learning dulcimer and mandolin!  One day I would love to learn the harp as well as more percussion instruments.  Though I’ve not had music lessons myself recently, I keep up with playing by performing locally and through my church, collaborating with siblings and friends, and have been recording as well which is SO fun!

The last 3-4 weeks I’ve been preparing for this new adventure, new chapter, new journey, and I’m just so excited!!  I expect to learn more than my students and I’m very grateful for the Lord opening this door!

To view some of my music, click here: http://www.soundcloud.com/jennifer-barger-7

Any who!


With all that said, there have been many days where I wake up and wonder “What am I doing in/with my life?  What am I doing with my time?  Where is my heart?  What are my true passions?  WHY isn’t everything blatantly obvious and clear as day so I don’t question my existence all the time?!?!?!“…as dramatic as that sounds, it’s true.  I question myself and life quite often, especially in times of feeling like I have no direction or goal to go towards.  Let me tell you, having multiple interests or abilities is not easy.  Especially if you’re like me: very organized, detail oriented, pretty perfectionist person with many interests who doesn’t want to fail at even one, doesn’t know where to start, and wants to know and do every little thing to complete excellence all at the same time!  There are so many things I love to do, but often wish I just had one interest or hobby to focus on and be really good at; I suppose the balance of having multiple interests is something to work towards this year.

It is inevitable not to fail, and mistakes will be made, time will be spent and seemingly wasted sometimes, and then you find yourself in those depths of despair moments asking “what is life?”, hahabut that’s okay.


Reality Check: You do not need to be perfect; that’s unrealistic anyway.  You do not need to know 110% how to do every single thing!  You just need to go.  Start.  Do what you know you love now, be open to opportunities and experiences that might sound odd or different at first.  Take a chance on a dream and see what happens.  You never know until you start, and that is one of the BIGGEST lessons life has been teaching me through the years!  Where God has me, today, right now, is exactly where He wants me and even needs me, and it is okay if the high standards and expectations I’ve set for myself haven’t been reached yet.  It is okay if my life is going at a different pace than others.  It is okay if there are big, or small, set backs throughout my journey.  It is okay…


To be honest for a moment, I sort of lost my main train of thought with this post!!  It came to me, but then it got all jumbled in my head…so hopefully the above makes sense!  There are many topics I am eager to incorporate in these posts, and each week will be different; either a recap of the week, an intro to a coming week, a mind dumb, a bible study, specific topic of interest, a prayer, etc…just hoping to be inspired again to share through writing; it is one of my favorite things and has been very missed!!


Here’s to week 3…I’m excited for this week as I take the next 5 days to retreat to the mountains away from most technology and the busyness of life!  Father, I ask for you to use this time away from every day stresses and schedules to open my heart and my mind to know you more, to trust you more, and to let go much much MUCH more of the worries of this world.  You are good, Lord, and you are using all these trivial things in life for our good.  Thank you for your faithfulness!  Thank you for your love for us and for your truth which, if we humble ourselves, will set us free.  Bless those who have stopped by today to read this post.  May you be a present and living and breathing source of joy, peace, healing, and love in their lives this week.  I love you, Lord, and pray in Jesus’ name, amen!


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Page 1 of 365…

Here we go…

Time to start over; begin again…

are you ready?

I am.

Here’s to a new year full of new things.

I have lots of ideas and ambitions and motivation to stop thinking and start doing; I’m excited…

May your new year be blessed and full of lovely things.

May you have strength, discernment, guidance, love, hope, happiness, comfort, and peace no matter what the future holds.

God bless, much love, and Happy New Year.

2017…wow!  Welcome and can’t believe you’re already here!



Prayer for America

Dear God, I pray for my country. Lord, I ask for the eyes of the American citizens to be opened, for the laws, values, and freedoms put in place by our founding fathers to be remembered and respected, for us to stand together as brothers and sisters to protect this amazing nation from those trying to harm it, and to share your love and your light to those who have not yet experienced it. Father, open our hearts, individually, to the issues in this world and show us how we can make a positive difference. Where there is loss, let us bring your comfort to someone, where there is abuse, let us bring hope of your healing hands! Where there is hate, may we give the example of ultimate, limitless, unfailing, love. Where there is loss, may the great gain of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior fill any emptiness. May our lives be beams of your grace, mercy, forgiveness and love to all those in our paths, especially right now when there is so much tension, negativity, hate, disrespect, abuse, pain, loss, hurt, sadness, and fear in this world. We live in a fallen world and will until Jesus comes back! But God, I ask you to instill hope in all of us, that Your will be done, that your hand will be upon those who declare Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Be with those who do not know you as Savior. Father, as we, America, head to a very important election, I just ask you to allow us to focus on what’s important for the protection and survival of this country. May we do our part in selecting a leader most likely to protect this country and allow You to lead. May we, the people, stand together on the important issues…most importantly our freedoms. Freedom of religion, speech, choice, action, belief, thought, love; freedom in general! You have given us this country to live freely within, to have opportunities, to prosper and grow, and it is amazing what you’ve allowed this amazing country to do! May we, Father, be deserving of keeping this country great and keeping You a part of it; the most important part of it. People have forgotten you, God. Your people have failed to live in fear of the Lord and instead live in fear of this world just like everyone else; fear of money, man, life, death, health, wealth, pain, sorrow, hopelessness, etc. Set a fire within your people, God, may we stand up strong for Your names sake and bold for our country’s sake! We need to protect the United States of America from the evil lurking around the corner, but most of all, we need You! Be with us, Lord. I love you and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is a prayer that comes from my whole heart.  I love my country and I am very proud to have been born and raised in the United States of America.  I’m proud to be a citizen of a country that is based on freedom for all.  I do not want to see my country be beaten and torn and disrespected and ruined, nor watch my family or friends live in a country that seems to be “giving up”.  We MUST stand together to fight for this nation, one nation under God, and to protect it from all evils.  We must make America safe again; safe, great, free, and a country that honors our Lord and respects itself as well.  God bless AMERICA…land of the free, home of the brave.

Blessings and much love,




Hello blog!  It’s June 30th, the last day of writing every day for a month!  I managed to write only 11 (eleven) our of 30 days!  Haha!  Not even two weeks, though it seemed as if I posted every day for at LEAST two weeks…oh well!

There are a lot of thoughts going through my head at the moment, but here is something I would like to share…

This passed weekend I attending a retreat.  We name of the retreat was “United” and it was a great retreat!  Wonderful experience, the kindest girls, and a great worship leader; like crazy good *cough cough* (I lead worship with a friend)! 🙂

This weekend, and life in general, as showed and or taught me something and that something is:

  1. How important Unity is.
  2. How toxic relationships can get, even if you don’t realize it.

On both topics I can, and did, say so much, but below I have copy/pasted from an email I composed about my thoughts, though they may seem scattered, on the topic.  Without further ado.


People are so interesting.  We come, as they say, in all different colors, shapes, and sizes; all different personalities, characteristics, fill in the blank!  People, you and I, you and your sister, you and your friend, are completely different people.  There is no one exactly like you in this entire world, past, present, or future.  Isn’t that a crazy thought?

  When I think of people, the human race, I wonder sometimes why it’s so hard to accept each others differences and move on living together in somewhat peace in this fallen world, having a good time and doing what we love.  What I don’t understand are people who hang onto and pick up on superficial “blemishes” other people have and because of those superficial imperfections they can’t have anything to do with that person!  Instead of digging deeper and truly learning the persons heart, they get so caught on actions or reactions of the flesh and just completely disregard who the person, their spirit and soul and heart, truly is!  I believe that we show a lot through our actions, but I also believe it’s so important, if you care about someone, to know their heart so that you truly know how they feel about things.  If you pay attention to someone you care about, you know how they react to things when they’re in a “good” place or “bad” place.  You know that somethings wrong if they react negatively in a situation that they would normally be very calm or positive in.  Anyway, forgive any rambling.

  What I was getting to with our differences and all is that, although there are SO many differences, so many divided people and opinions, so many people…there is one thing that makes us all identical, united and tied together as one and the same.  Do you know what that is?  Well, friend, it is our amazing God!  It is the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for our sins!  Because of Salvation through Jesus we all have the identity of Christ, therefore we are all united in Christ, our Lord and Savior.  That is the only thing in this life where there is complete unity and oneness.  Stop and look at your life, look at the world and notice how there is segregation all around.  But having the Holy Spirit in you, you are a new creation, you are joined by faith with your brothers and sister in Christ, granted with the blessing of eternal life!  And guess what?  Through all of our physical differences, all the things we can see with our eyes, through our different personalities, ways of thinking, etc, we must, I repeat MUST, stick together and stand up for each other and also for the Word of God!  The Bible and God himself are bible trampled by every power that be; but guess what God’s word says: “But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 esv).  That is what encourages me.  But it also motivates me to live a life, the best of my puny little human ability way, a life which honors and brings glory to God and that shines brightly to others as well.  We can’t be lazy!  We can’t keep rejecting those who are not just like us because, like I said, though some may have similarities we are all different and we need to support each other and love each other and live our lives seeking the Lord and asking for His perspective and guidance.

  So, I encourage you, as well as myself, love thy neighbor as thyself.  That is not to say if someone is being mean to you, saying things behind your back, believing lies about you, using you, trying to have unnecessary power over you, the list goes on, then you need to let go of those relationships, no matter how hard or unthinkable it may seem, give it to God and ask Him to replace it with peace and joy in Christ, and just let go of the toxic relationships(s) that may be in your life; we don’t need them.  We can still love someone, as a follower of Christ, and not get along all the time.  Maybe this is sounding hypocritical, but I think most of you (hopefully all of you!) understand what I’m trying to say.

  One last little story.  In my life I have experienced countless (so it seems) situations of confrontation.  My biggest weakness probably!  I have experienced situations and gone through friendships and relations during my life that seemed so pointless or I really just couldn’t understand why I went through them if the outcome wasn’t going to be positive.  In the moment I didn’t understand what the reason(s) was that I had to “suffer” through uncomfortable confrontational circumstances.  Today I’m happy to report that God has helped me over the last few years SO much and confronting people, though scary, nerve wracking, or intimidating at times, is very necessary and it’s not up to me how someone reacts to what I have to say!  Nothing about someone else is up to me!  I, with God help, am in charge of my actions, responses, decisions, you name it, and other people, you, are in charge of your actions, responses, decisions, etc.  So, what I’ve learned is that no matter the outcome, whether you lose something or someone you though was dear to you, it is okay.  Even if it’s confusing at the time, God is amazing guys!  He is there always when you call upon His name!  As the Bible says “Ask, and you will receive…” (John 16:24 esv).  If you are going through a difficult time with a person, whether you know them very well, you’re related, you love them, you hardly know them, whatever your situation may be, don’t forget about God.  You are fully equipped by God to handle every situation.  You are strong enough, you are powerful enough by the power of the Holy Spirit in you!  You are worth it to stand up for yourself and end a toxic relationship!  You don’t need to have any excuses, any reasons, or any apology if you are involved with someone who is superficial or degrading or mean, fill in the blank!  I keep saying “etc” or “fill in the blank” because I truly want you to choose the word(s) for these situations/circumstances and relate to my rambling words!
I don’t know your story.  I don’t know if you’ve been hurt by someone or multiple people or if you haven’t experienced that yet (I say yet because in this world, you will experience it!).  Through many different times in my life I have experienced loss of friendship and relationship and even unity.  Within myself I battle flesh and my faith.  All these things I’ve said are things I have struggled with or experienced myself!  But I have chosen to seek God in all things, especially when life lets you down, because it is overwhelming how amazing He is and how much He loves us!  We need to seek God in the good and the bad in our lives because we need to thank Him for giving us life, no matter what we get to go through in our lives.
This has been long, I know, and if you are reading this paragraph, thank you for staying committed!  I hope it was clear to you what my thoughts are and what I was trying to say!  Remember that you are amazing and you are worth being in healthy, positive and uplifting relationships whether romantic or friendships.  Remember how important it is, as a declaring Christian and follower of Jesus to have unity in the church and to love those, no matter their differences, who truly love our God; the Creator of all things living.
Have a very blessed weekend and a safe 4th of July!  God bless you and God bless the United States of America!  Much love.

Not Feeling It

Didn’t feel like writing yesterday…or the day before, or the day before, or the day before, or the day before…you get the picture.  It’s been a week (and June daily blogging is almost over!), so let me fill you in…


We have been moving!  Some of my siblings are moving upstairs and I am moving downstairs with Skylar who came back from Korea earlier then expected and it’s been a long 4-6 months trying to decide where everyone is going to go!  Susanna and Skylar are currently in Israel; they have been there since the last week of May.  Skylar is coming home on the 24th, and Susanna is coming home on July 2nd, I believe.

So, along with moving which has been QUITE the task, and I won’t lie, I’ve been a bit stubborn because I loved my room upstairs, but it’s just a room at the end of the day and I’m so grateful for my parents home and a place to live!  Anyway, along with that, I have been preparing for a retreat where a friend has invited me to not only participate in the retreat, but we are going to be leading worship for a whole weekend!  So that has been keeping me busy!

We have had two litters of puppies (Day Break English Setters) and when we have puppies my second job is photographing them for the website.  One litter is all settled with their new owners, and then second ones are home bound in the next couple weeks.

Well, lastly, but CERTAINLY not least, the Miller’s are coming home from South Korea and we have been preparing for their arrival and SO excited and anxious to see them!  I can’t believe two years has gone by, but at the same time it has seemed like forever and I am so so so extremely happy they are coming home!  We’ve missed them terribly.


I was going to write about something, but I think I will save it for another day.  Sadly while I’m at the retreat coming up I won’t have access to blog for 2-3 days, but it’s been pretty easy for me to miss a week so that shouldn’t be a problem!  For those who don’t know, I have been trying, for fun, to challenge myself to post something everyday in June.  I have missed quite a few days, but it has still been fun!

Time to take a shower then finish moving some things around.  Oh, and if you want to see some pictures I’ve taken recently, here’s a link to my photography website: https://jennafifiphotography.wordpress.com/

Have a lovely evening!  Stay hydrated during these warm summer days, and I will be writing soon!



Update on Jennafifi


Hello blogging world!!!  I’M ALIVE!!!  Wow…this feels so foreign!  Okay.  No rambling intro; let us dive right it.


So, very quickly I’m going to share a little over view of the passed four (4) months…holy cow!  I haven’t blogged in FOUR MONTHS!  And since my last post I hardly blogged the past year…for those, whoever you may be, who have followed me at all, thank you and, whether it matters or means anything, I’m sorry for this extreme negligence.  Onward!

 February: I experienced my first (and only) heavy metal concert.  My two brothers, Joshua and Ben, and myself went to see Epica.  They are amazing; crazy talented!  The lead female vocalist makes me want to give up on life, but it’s all good!  So I say it’s my only heavy metal concert because it was a little too intense for me.  Not to mention I experienced my first (and only) “wall of death” (look it up), it was SO loud, the people were sketch, and at the end of the day, metal is NOT my genre of music!  I’ll tolerate it to an extent, and I do love Epica’s female vocalist Simone Simmons, but it’s not my cup of tea.

I got braces in October 2015 (whoop) so I’ve been getting those adjusted a LOT and am happy to report that my pearly whites are looking FABULOUS!!!

Esme (younger sister) and I got to play Cupid for Valentine’s Day!  I took a bunch of pictures to post and obviously didn’t…oh well.  Each year my mom decorates the dinner table in pink and red hearts and candies and lights for us to wake up to.  It was super fun setting it up for the rest of our siblings this year.

March: I was invited to participate with a girls ministry this June leading worship.  I’m really looking forward to it!  The friend I am leading with started meeting with me in March and since then we’ve met whenever our schedules allow to go over our selected songs and make sure everything is working for the both of us.

My sisters and I started attending a bible study which was really great.  I am currently not attending it because it falls on the days I work and I can barely make it on time or not at all, but it was a lovely group of young adults, mostly younger married couples, who really wanted to learn about the Bible and God’s word and sharing the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Easter was in March…I didn’t enjoy that because I’m so use to it being in April!  And St.Patrick’s Day which I take very seriously…sadly though I only found 3-4 four-leaf-clovers this year on the 17th, but post-St.Patty’s I’ve found quite a few!

April: We went to a women’s conference hosted by Answers in Genesis and the Creation Science Museum (Ark Encounter coming July 7th 2016!!!) and it was awesome!  Last year in June, Joshua, Ben and I went to the Answers MEGA Conference and there was SO much amazing information and eye opening things thrown at us, and this year at the Discern Women’s Conference, we were again given great, trustworthy and truthful insight on the world and it’s happenings, and I personally left it feeling inspired and eager to act and learn more.  *I highly recommend visiting the Creation Museum in Kentucky whether for a conference or just a museum tour.  It’s such a cool experience!

May: Puppies!  My parents over at Day Break English Setters have been VERY busy with litters of puppies.  We currently have 13 at home waiting to go home (some are a couple weeks away from going to their new homes, the others are almost 1 week old and already have homes), and if my part in that is photographing all the pups to put pictures on the website, so that’s been busy!

I MISSED my blogs anniversary!!!  Happy 5 years!  Wow!

AND I hope everyone had a lovely Memorial Day.  Thank you for the many many many men and women who have committed and sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  A dept never to be repaid.  God bless you and your families.

Aside from the things mentioned above, I have been working a lot and training people at work, working in my room/moving into a different room (bitter sweet which I’m planning to post about!), getting SUPER excited for my sister and her family to come home from South Korea this summer (whoop!), and etc etc etc!  From the things I have shared, doesn’t seem like I have an excuse for “not blogging”, but times flies my friends, and I assure you (though I know it doesn’t matter), I have purposed my time to do other things, but I will say I have missed blogging and sharing pictures and really just unloading my mind on all who come across to read! 🙂


It is June (tomorrow)…already.  June 2016.  At the end of this month I will be leading worship for a ministry (yay), I will be working two weeks this month full time Monday-Saturday, I am dedicating June to an actual exercise schedule and consistent routine because I’ve been planning to do that this month for a couple months now, connecting to the Lord, preparing for the Koreans to arrive, painting my new room and a fence, hoping to start some classes for various things, and who knows what else!

Life is full of mysteries.  Each day comes and then it goes; 24 hours seems like an eternity or a mere speck in the span of life.  I’m changing everyday whether for the better or seeming as if I’m reverting to my old ways.  This life is so big, but we often get stuck in our own little fish bowl with no where to turn but around and around!  Can you tell I’ve been in somewhat deep thought lately?

For the summer I desire to attempt posting on my blog once every day.  By summer I mean June.  If I epically fail in June, I will try again in July.  The reason: To start blogging again, sharing pictures, and to have somewhat of a virtual summer journal.  I love writing and I LOVE journaling!  I’ll get my head on straight and we’ll see where we go!

It is 1:13am; June 1st, so this post will qualify as Day 1 of my summer journal-blogging…journoggling!!! 🙂

Goodnight and until tomorrow…


P.S. WordPress has changed so many things!  I don’t like it, but it’s what I get for being such an inactive blogger!

Merry New Year?!

Merry Christmas!


Wait a second…..it’s January 2016!

Lets start over…



Happy New Year!

Hello Blog!  Long time no…type?!  Have I used that before?  Well, it doesn’t matter.  Life has kept me busy, and things have happened and sadly my blog has been the one thing I put on the bottom of my list to do and usually don’t have time to.  I have so many ideas for posts too (yeah yeah, I’ve said that before!), so it’s been hard not having time to post my ideas.  But!  I am working on a “schedule” where I’ll write out my ideas, choose one, and post it weekly or bi-weekly.  And most likely randomly post when I have thoughts to share.

So, how is the new year treating you?  Good I hope!  It’s January 20th!  Although I can’t say it has necessarily gone by quickly, it is a little strange how it’s the 20th already and I haven’t started anything, changed anything, done anything different, etc etc etc…why has it been so hard for me to manage my time?!  *sigh*

Here are my main “resolutions”:

  1. Have a time of prayer and bible reading every day.
  2. Start exercising more consistently.
  3. Be open to opportunities and trying new things.
  4. Get my room situated and peaceful.
  5. Wait, be content, and trust God to lead me through my life.  But do stuff that I love while waiting (if that makes sense).

When I write out goals or resolutions I use to be very hard on myself about accomplishing them and I usually never would accomplish anything.  But nowadays I set a few things to accomplish at my own pace; although I do try to push myself because lately, especially, I have been SO lazy and , like I mentioned before, managing my time horribly.  Anyway!

It is a new year…memories come and go, new ones are made, you decide to start over or start for the first, and live in the moment, or at least try to.  Looking back at the year that flew by SO fast it really wasn’t even funny, here are some things I have learned:

  1. Communication is very important.  Really and truly.  Not only actually communicating with people, but the way and the circumstances of communicating are important!  There were multiple times last year that I communicated “wrong” or not at all and it didn’t end well.  It’s so important!
  2. Trusting God.  That may sound silly or elementary, but it’s something, if I may be so bold, that is not very easy for everyone, including me!  Here’s what I learned; who created the world?  God.  Who loves us more then anything that He sent is Son to die for our sins and give us the gift Salvation?  God.  Who knows our whole life before we are even born?  God.  So WHO is going to be in the “future”, the unknown, preparing the way for us?  GOD!  So do we need to be afraid?  No!  Do we need to trust Him 100% and then some?  YES!  So lets do just that!
  3. It’s okay to think and try to figure things out.  Don’t isolate yourself 24/7, don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with someone else, and don’t feel like you’ve wasted time spending it on getting to know yourself by thinking and being idle for a little while.
  4. People don’t care.  I mean this in the way of being self conscious or embarrassed about something.  Just do the things you want to do and you love to do and never allow someone else’s assumed or supposed opinion stop you!  Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”.  Live it.  Be confident.  Don’t care about people’s negative opinions.
  5. Time (seems to) passes fast!  I believe that God is in control of all time, therefore there is always enough time, but visually for us we have time mapped out in 24 hour days, 7 days a week, and we usually try to micromanage every, single, second…it’s overwhelming and stressful and MAN I just want to give my time to God!  Father, allow me to use my time wisely, for Your will, to be open and willing to do and go where You are leading me.  Thank you for everything.  I trust you, Lord, with my life.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

So, no matter what happens, no matter where He leads you, no matter what decisions you make, no matter how a story ends, God is so gracious, merciful, loving, caring, healing, powerful, strong, mighty, and awesome, that we have nothing to fear and I want to encourage you, as well as myself, to keep going.  Just keep on going no matter what life throws your way.  Keep going.  And with your eyes on Jesus, I can very assuredly guarantee you will be blessed, provided for, protected, and loved every step of the way.

God bless you, and thank you so much for stopping by whether you’ve been here before or not!  It means a lot.  Have an amazing rest of this week.  Stay warm and safe!

Jennafifi just might be getting a makeover soon, and I am going to set up my posting schedule so I can get this blog back up and running!  It’s a new year and I’m excited about it!  Bye for now!


October Farewells


(not my photography)

October, why are you leaving so soon?  You only just arrived!  *sigh*


It’s the end of October; one day left!  Halloween.

Costumes, candy, spooky and scary

Pumpkins that are glowing and nobody knowing

When the howling wolf will stop it’s howling

As the Harvest Moon fades from the sky

Haunted houses, forests and trees

Someones scream vanishing with the breeze

The haunted eve draws to an end

Remember deary, don’t trust even your friend


Random poem!  Just wrote it while I was sitting here wishing to be out in the sunshine!  It’s been raining and rain in October is not fun.  Oh well.

So my younger sister and I are making fairy wings for Halloween.  Yes, we are going to be fairies.  We’re going almost all out.  The wing making process has been slow and HOPEFULLY we’ll get them finished by tomorrow!  We’ve never really done much for Halloween.  It’s a holiday our family celebrates with candy, pumpkin carving, fun and games and dress up and usually we stay home!  I remember when I was younger we would go to a church on Halloween and play games, but I enjoy the past few years we’ve stayed home and hung out.

November, although I hate to be welcoming you this soon, welcome.  I wonder what you have in store for us.  I pray for joy, peace, God’s guidance in life and for time to be spent wisely.  Amen! 🙂

I am slowly in the process of publishing the rest of my pixie journey and some other things as well.  Also stay tuned to Jennafifi Photography because I will be posting some more work there.  Also I want to start some tutorial posts like crafts that I’ve achieved and cooking too!  We’ll see…I’ve been kind of lazy with my blogging.

Have a lovely and safe weekend.  Don’t eat too much candy!


(not my photography)

BOO-Bye!!! 🙂


Traveling Soul

Hello blog!  I will be pushing pause on my Pixie Haircut Journey because I’m going on a trip!

Tomorrow we leave for, well…somewhere far far away.  Once I get there I will share.  I’ll be posting pictures on Jennafifi and also on Jennafifi Photography.  I am very excited and nervous as well because this will be my first time in an airplane!  I’ll be praying a lot, that’s for sure.


Lately I’ve been inspired to write and draw and read…I want to work on some songs, poems and stories, I want to sing and draw little doodles.  Drawing is not really my “thing”, but sometimes I just really want to draw!  Anyway!

I’m very excited about my trip and about the opportunity and I hope the whole experience is amazing and a blessing, if I may be so bold to say.  When I return there are plenty of things for me to do and get started with which are also very exciting, so HOPEFULLY I will get my act together and blog more, because I love blogging, and work on my photography and embark on more new things and adventures!

Here’s to the trip!  Lord, in Jesus sweet name, be with us and keep us safe!  Thank you for your blessings and this opportunity for me.  Bless it, Lord, and bring us to our destination and bring me back home safely, Father.  Amen!


Oh yeah, look at this baby!  He’s so ADORABLE! ❤  Words cannot express the joy he brings to my heart and the love I have for my little nephew #3!

God bless and see you at our destination…


P.S. Fall is almost here!  I can’t believe it, but I also can’t wait!

Green Juice

So, yesterday I woke up and said to myself “I feel like starting the day out on a healthy note!” and if I do say so myself, I did just that!p1l4mldM4DcxFANdISaKNdc2NkiIn7LbH_1eXhAfiuR5dNjvrUAZslPiXWFmlq8v-C2Xsg=w1332-h537

I made a green juice smoothie!  And let me tell you…it was REALLY good!  No, it was not a legit veggie filled smoothie, but do you see the color of it?  There is a lot more green stuff then not green stuff!

93AztsGw9i7dPRbxW_1_T0J85AeKSxuy-lmqFFwU9vItYfv6GTeKjgCqkTkFz199wbNa8A=w1332-h537In this lovely smoothie I put spinach, greek yogurt that WAS strawberry flavored (it was the only yogurt I had), peaches, bananas, celery, ice cubes and water and blended it all together and there you have it!  At first it tasted like celery, but then it tasted like a very sweet, but sort of sour, smoothie and I really enjoyed it!  Lately I’ve noticed my flavor has become much more simple.  I don’t desire nor really care if something is really flavorful as much as I use to.  You could say I’ve become quite bland.  Of course it depends on what the food is I’m eating, but it is interesting seeing your sense of taste change a bit.


If you enjoy smoothies for breakfast loaded with yummy things, then I encourage you to try this one!  Put whatever you want in it!  I used what we had.  A handful of spinach, 3-4 slices of peach, a quarter of banana, half a cup of yogurt, half a stick of celery, 2-3 ice cubes and fill the cup half up with water.  Very simple, if you have a blender, and very good, if you enjoy smoothies!


My family got home yesterday from a long weekend road trip where they picked up a sheepdog and some sheep to go with it.  lol!  The sheepdog puppy, you guys…I don’t even know what it is!  Is it alive?  Is it a panda?  Am I actually on the verge of saying I LIKE it?  What is this?!?!  Truly, I don’t know what to think!  *Picture coming soon!

Pixie Part 2 is coming soon as well!  I am discouraged when I go through my pictures and my drafted blog posts and see all the awesome ideas I never shared!  Sigh…my intention and “plan”, if you will, is to re-do those ideas and actually post them because I love sharing things on my blog and I adore writing and, in complete honesty, I miss it!  Not to dwell on what I didn’t do…anyway.

Here’s to a beautiful day!  Have a great week and I will be posting soon!  Much love and God bless.


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